Home Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Laser hair removal has become increasingly popular over the years, and now with home laser treatments, getting rid of unwanted hair is easier than ever. The FDA has approved some laser machines for home use so you can avoid the hassle of having to book an appointment and rearrange your schedule to get to the salon or doctor’s office. The machines can be plugged into a regular outlet and you can remove your hair safely in the privacy of your own home.

Different home laser hair removal machines will have different results. You may experience redness or something that resembles road rash, but these should fade after a few days. Other machines may not cause the rash, but the resulting hair removal may not be as great as you want.

Additional Related Article to Read : What Results can You Expect From Laser Hair Removal?

Do your homework when investigating the different machines and make a list of pros and cons about each one that you may have interest in. Read reviews and testimonials, but try to avoid obvious info-mercial type comments that seem too good to be true. Avoid manufacturer’s websites for this reason; many of the testimonials on these sites have been paid for and will offer nothing but rave reviews. A general shopping website may offer more honest reviews, or look into a professional reviewer like Consumer Reports.

Another option is to ask around to any friends who may have used the laser and get their honest opinion. They may even let you do a one-time treatment on yourself to get the general idea of how it works and whatever side effects may be present after use.

The hair removal laser may be a little on the expensive side, but if you add up the price of having your body waxed at a salon or even the cost of laser hair removal treatments in an office setting, you will probably find that it pays for itself in the long run. Lasers are various prices, but the best are around $400, like the version from TriaBeauty.

In conclusion, if you do your homework and weigh the pros and cons, you should be able to find the right home laser hair remover for you. With patience and strictly keeping to a regular schedule, you will be on your way to a smoother, hair free body without the hassle of leaving the privacy of your own bedroom or bathroom.

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source : 8 Best At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices