The intense pressures in the deep ocean make it an extremely difficult environment to explore.” Although you dont notice it the pressure of the air pushing down on your body at sea level is about 15 pounds per square inch.

Why has only 10% of the ocean been explored? - Quora

Why has only 10% of the ocean been explored?

How much of the ocean have we explored? - National Ocean Service

26‏/02‏/2021 — Currently less than ten percent of the global ocean is mapped using modern sonar technology. For the ocean and coastal waters of the United ...

2022 How much of the Ocean have we explored to date

09‏/05‏/2022 — It might be shocking to find out but only 5% of the ocean has been explored and charted by humans. The rest especially its depths ...

How Much of the Ocean and Space Have We Explored? | Worldwide Boat

The answer seems obvious. Space is infinite and out of reach while the oceans are finite and limited to our planet. We have been sailing the oceans for ...

Why Havent We Explored the Ocean Like Outer Space? - VICE

18‏/06‏/2016 — Approximately five percent of the ocean has been discovered which leaves 95 of the ocean unexplored.

Why Nasa is exploring the deepest oceans on Earth - BBC Future

11‏/01‏/2022 — The underwater vehicle imploded some 10km (6.2 miles) down most likely due ... Scientists were convinced that organisms on the ocean floor ...

Ocean | National Geographic Society

15‏/07‏/2022 — Despite its size and impact on the lives of every organism on Earth the ocean remains a mystery. More than 80 percent of the ocean has never ...

How Much of the Ocean Have We Explored? - WorldAtlas

27‏/08‏/2018 — Even though humans have explored and mapped large parts of the planet Mars and the moon in outer space only a small part of the oceans of ...