TIL You arent supposed to wear white after Labor Day due to an old ...

No. The reason white is not supposed to be worn after Labor Day is because white is a spring and summer color not a fall and winter color. Also ...

What is the origin of the dont wear white after labor day fashion rule?

05‏/09‏/2016 — What is the origin of the dont wear white after labor day fashion rule? I have done some reading on the internet about this and from what ...

So whats the deal with the No white after labor day rule? - Reddit

Yeah that is always the way Ive heard it. The rule is just dont wear anything summery after labor day. Since white is summery it gets a convient mention.

ELI5 Why is it taboo to wear white after labor day? - Reddit

01‏/09‏/2014 — Because white is a color associated with summer fashion and Labor Day is widely considered the last day of simmer.

Where did Dont wear white after labor day come from? - Reddit

The other supposed origin is because of comfort. White reflects light so it keeps you cooler in summer and dark colors absorb heat keeping you cooler so after ...

Why cant you wear white after labor day? r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit

10‏/09‏/2015 — A long time ago white clothes use to be much thinner then any colored clothes. So during the summer time white clothes were popular because ...

Why Cant You Wear White After Labor Day? r/NoStupidQuestions - Reddit

04‏/06‏/2016 — Its considered a fashion faux pas as white is a considered a summer color. It doesnt look right to wear white in the winter ...

MFA No White After Labor Day...What? r/malefashionadvice

Eh dont pay much head to it. Basically what the rule is saying is that white is a spring/summer color so you shouldnt wear it during fall/winter (basically ...

Is not wearing white after labour day actually a thing in America? - Reddit

05‏/09‏/2017 — You wont see many women here in NYC wearing white skirts dresses or shoes after Labor Day. Summer is over. Mens white shirts I do not think ...

ELI5 Why dont we wear white after Labor Day? r ... - Reddit

... the most common is that white is a summer colour and Labour Day ... we dont play tennis after labor day (and of course we wear white when we play ...