limerick a popular form of short humorous verse that is often nonsensical and frequently ribald. It consists of five lines rhyming aabba and the dominant metremetremetre also spelled Meter in poetry the rhythmic pattern of a poetic line. Various principles based on the natural rhythms of language have been devised to organize poetic lines into rhythmic units.https// › art › metre-...metre | prosody | Britannica is anapestic with two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines and three feet in the others.

How to Write a Limerick 6 Tips for Writing Limericks - MasterClass

16‏/08‏/2021 — 1. A limerick consists of five lines arranged in one stanza. ; 2. The first line second line and fifth lines end in rhyming words. ; 3. The ...

Limerick (poetry) - Wikipedia

A limerick is a form of verse usually humorous and frequently rude in five-line predominantly anapestic trimeter with a strict rhyme scheme of AABBA ...

How to Write a Limerick - wikiHow

To write a limerick come up with a 5-line poem where the first second and fifth line rhyme with each other and the third and fourth line rhyme with each ...

How to Write a Limerick – Kenn Nesbitts

The Rules of Limericks · They are five lines long. · Lines 1 2 and 5 rhyme with one another. · Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. · They have a distinctive ...

How to Write a Limerick in 5 Steps + Examples - Imagine Forest

06‏/05‏/2018 — To write a limerick you must have a stanza of 5 lines. The first second and fifth line are rhyme with each other.