The Gran Abuelo a conifer that rises 196 feet (60 meters) above the misty forest floor in Alerce Costero National Park in Chile was initially thought to be roughly 3500 years old.

A New Candidate for Oldest Tree in the World Is Discovered in Chile

31‏/05‏/2022 — Roughly 5400 years ago a tiny seed sprouted from the forest floor in central Chile. As it survived fires and ...

Is the worlds oldest tree growing in a ravine in Chile? - Science

20‏/05‏/2022 — Now the tree—known as the Alerce Milenario or Gran Abuelo (great-grandfather) tree—might claim a new and ...

The worlds oldest tree has just been found in Chile

01‏/06‏/2022 — This Patagonian cypress also known as Alerce milenario could be 5484 years old according to the Chilean scientists calculations. A ...

Alerce tree in Chile may be the oldest in the world -

07‏/06‏/2022 — The model suggests that the tree is likely 5484 years old which breaks the record for oldest tree by over 600 ...

Ancient cypress in Chile may be the worlds oldest tree new study ...

26‏/05‏/2022 — A new study carried out by Dr Jonathan Barichivich a Chilean scientist at the Climate and Environmental ...

Chile May Be Home to the Worlds Oldest Tree - Treehugger

24‏/06‏/2022 — This particular long-lived oddity is a Patagonian cypress (Fitzroya cupressoides) a species known for its slow growth and exceptional size.

Worlds Oldest Tree May Be Growing in Chile - EcoWatch

10‏/06‏/2022 — The alerce also known as a Patagonian cypress according to National Geographic is a species of tree native to Chile and Argentina with a ...