Is now a good time to buy a house? r/personalfinance - Reddit

16‏/07‏/2022 — In my opinion its better to wait until 2023 because I expect housing prices to fall due to rising interest rates and upcoming recession.

Is right now a bad time to buy my first house? r/RealEstate - Reddit

I dont want to get screwed by the market or buy something now when I couldve bought way more house in a few months for the same price.

is now a good time to buy a home or do you think theyll be a correction?

25‏/03‏/2022 — So house prices are through the roof at the moment and demand is very high. Weve viewed a few properties that have 4-5 offers within a few ...

Is now a good time to buy a house? r/Wallstreetsilver - Reddit

I keep reading extreme and opposing view points on why now (technically March when I bought) is the BEST and the WORST time in US history to buy.

Buy a house now or wait for lower prices? r/personalfinance - Reddit

08‏/04‏/2022 — Its a bad market for home buyers right now. Low supply high prices interest rates going up price of construction supply going up. Lumber ...

Is it a bad time to buy a house right now? r/personalfinance - Reddit

06‏/08‏/2021 — If you have your finances in order now is a good time to by a house. The prices are all inflated but the interest rates are still really low.

Is it generally a bad idea to buy a home right now? - Reddit

05‏/03‏/2022 — I want badly to get out of renting ASAP but the market just seems almost not worth the effort right now. Houses are selling within a day or ...

Anyone trying to buy a house right now? r/CasualConversation - Reddit

We just got outbid on our seventh house offer. The market is wild! Ive gone through the gambit of emotions. Though overall I feel grateful that I am…

Is now a good time to be buying a new house? r/HousingUK - Reddit

05‏/05‏/2022 — Hi. I am currently in the process of purchasing a new build property with a mortgage of £180k (£200k property with a 10% deposit) ...

Buying a house now or wait??? r/Frugal - Reddit

قبل 4 أيام — Its a sellers market right now tho a poor time for the frugal. This is just my opinion and not advice. I am a real estate professional in CA.