All seals and sea lions are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and some are also listed under the Endangered Species Act. Together with our partners we work to study protect and conserve these unique marine mammals and their habitats.

Marine Conservation Volunteer - Marine Conservation Projects

Assist in protecting whales dolphins sharks sea turtles coral reefs and marine life. Play a pivotal role in contributing towards sustaining marine ecosystems.

4 Ways Youre Protecting Ocean - Remove Marine & Plastic Debris

60% of coral reefs are dead or in decline so were working to preserve and restore reefs. Nearly 50 sea lions are tangled in nets every day so were...

Sea Lion Rescue & Release - The Marine Mammal Center

Learn How We Rescue & Rehabilitate Sea Lions. Weve Helped Over 10000 Marine Animals! No Other Organization Treats the Number & Variety of Marine Mammals that We Do. Admission is Free.

Protecting Sea Life - Saving Marine Life - Protecting the Oceans

SeaChange’s Goal is to Prevent Plastics and Other Trash From Ever Getting into the Ocean. What if plastic pollution could be converted to clean...

California Sea Lion | NOAA Fisheries

All California sea lions are protected under the MMPA. Our work supports protection and conservation by Reducing ...

All About the California Sea Lion - Conservation & Research

Government agencies in an attempt to prevent shootings of sea lions have employed a number of harmless techniques to discourage this predation. These ...

Are California Sea Lions Protected? - American Oceans

California sea lions face many threats both natural and manmade. So are California sea lions protected in any way? And are ...

Sea Lions | Species | WWF - World Wildlife Fund

Protect endangered species including the sea lion at World Wildlife Fund. Learn about the ways WWF works to conserve a ...

Australian sea lions | Australian Fisheries Management Authority

They are protected by the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Biology. Australian sea lions are ...

Conservation - California Sea Lions - Gulfarium Marine Adventure Park

Sea lions are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972 which means that it is illegal to attempt to swim with touch or feed these ...

Sea Lion Management - Portland District - U.S. Army

Removal of problem sea lions has proven to be the most effective means of protecting fish from predation. While exclusion gates ...

Saving Sea lions - National Marine Mammal Foundation

The NMMF participated in the California Sea Lion unusual mortality event (UME) ... Mammal Foundation traveled to the Punta ...

Are Sea Lions Endangered? Conservation Status and Threats

2 This article discusses the status and threats of these different species and what is being done to protect the most ...