does bereal notify if i screenshot someones reaction to my post?

12‏/04‏/2022 — If we take a screenshot of a photo posted by someone else from the BeReal app his BeReal app notification will arrive immediately !!

does BeReal notify them when i take a screenshot of their reaction to my ...

25‏/08‏/2022 — Yes it does that on apple. If you have Android you can see who screenshoted immediately without sharing it.

do people get a notification if you screenshot their bereal profile?

12‏/09‏/2022 — If nobody screenshots then it wont pop up there. To find out who screenshotted I believe you do have to share your BeReal to another ...

Does bereal notify when you screenshot someones profile?

Do they get a notification if you screenshot their reaction to your BEREAL?

does bereal send a notification if i ss someones ?? r/bereal_app - Reddit

03‏/08‏/2022 — Yes it does. When you screen shot a be real the other person will get a message saying “someone has screenshotted your be real ...

do bereal notify someone if you screenshot the pop notification that ...

30‏/06‏/2022 — Interested in gaining a new perspective on things? Check out the r/askreddit subreddit.

does it alert Someone if you screenshot someones profile - Reddit

14‏/09‏/2022 — The only screenshot notifications are for peoples BeReal posts. There would be no point of a notification for profile screenshots because you ...

Does BeReal notify a person if you screenshot their profile ... - Reddit

18‏/10‏/2022 — Asking specifically for profiles that show up when you search by username or the profile is under contacts/ppl u may know (aka u arent ...

Will BeReal notify someone if you take a screenshot of their comments on ...

27‏/08‏/2022 — It wont show up as a notification on their phone but it will put a little number next to their BeReal so they can see who screenshotted it.

BeReal Notifies Users About Screenshots Heres How It Works

08‏/08‏/2022 — Yes BeReal does notify users about screenshots ... BeReal actively tracks people who take screenshots and the app will warn you if someone ...