Myths of Manchester The Apple Logo & Alan Turing

Basically the idea is that the logo is a direct reference to Manchesters very own Alan Turing and thus to this day his legacy carries on all over the world on ...

Unraveling the tale behind the Apple logo - CNN

07‏/10‏/2011 — Holden Frith says one story recounts how the Apple logo was a tribute to Alan Turing. Sadly the truth is rarely as simple or beautiful ...

Is the Facebook Post About Alan Turings Life and the Apple Logo ...

30‏/06‏/2022 — According to the Facebook post Turing ended his own life in 1954 by eating an apple laced with cyanide poison purportedly a final act carried ...

Did Alan Turing Inspire the Apple Logo? - Mental Floss

01‏/06‏/2015 — But as nice as it is it simply isnt true according to the designer who created the  ...

The Real Story Behind Apples Logo - Original Shift

30‏/01‏/2022 — There are seemingly endless theories as to how Apple was named such as a tribute to Alan Turing which Jobs said he “wished” was the reason.

Why does the Apple logo have a bite? Meaning behind design explained ...

03‏/07‏/2022 — There are plenty of theories including one linked to the British mathematician Alan Turing who played a crucial role in cracking intercepted ...

The Real Reason The Apple Logo Has A Bite Out Of It - SlashGear

13‏/07‏/2022 — Turings body was discovered close to a cyanide-laced apple with a bite taken from it. His death was ruled a suicide but many people including ...

Is the Apple logo a tribute to Alan Turing? - Quora

Is the Apple logo a tribute to Alan Turing?

The true story behind the Apple logo - CEO Middle East

16‏/05‏/2016 — As the story goes the logo is a tribute to the late great Alan Turing. The father of computer science committed suicide and hes rumoured to ...

Mythen und Fakten über das Apple-Logo - Magazin MEDIEN

um den Tot von Alan Turing. Wurde das Logo im Zusammenhang mit seinem Tod bewusst als eine Hommage an seine Lebensgeschichte ausgewählt? Turing gilt als Genie ...