Admissions Advice

In College Vine I would be class of 2021 or 2022?

Hello! I am an international student who wants to do a gap year of High School in the US and I would start in August 2021. So it would be like a "senior year" but not officially a senior year.

I have this doubt because in my College Vine profile I don't know what class exactly I am and if I am class of 2022 I would be considered a Junior?

Thank you and I hope for your responses :)

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2 answers

Accepted Answer

If you're graduating this spring 2021, and then taking a gap year starting this fall, you'd still be considered the class of 2021 since you graduated in 2021. The only way you'd really be class of 2022 is if you somehow weren't able to graduate this spring. In short, it all depends when your graduation is taking place.


Class of 2022 will be starting their senior (4th) year of high school around august of 2021 and ending it around may of 2022. Currently, class of 2022 is completing their junior (3rd) year of high school. I hope this helps!


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