Dr. Jeff Young Vet’s Biggest Controversies and Accusation

Dr. Jeff Young is an experienced veterinary officer, and the head of Planned Pethood Plus. This was a health centre he set up in Colorado to help animals all around.

Dr. Jeff and his team have helped hundreds of animals over the years, ranging from dogs, cats, to even farm animals. Gradually, Jeff and his team grew in popularity, leading to a stint on television.

Since it was first released in 2015, Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet has aired a total of eight seasons. With fame, however, came its on fair share of controversies. These are what we will examine today.

He was accused of health violations

Back in 2017, a video of Dr. Young performing surgery on an animal sparked outrage amongst the veterinary community. In the video, Jeff was in the process of performing an invasive surgery on an animal.

However, he had not bothered to put on a mask, or any other protective gear. The other vets who were assisting him with the procedure had also not bothered to wear any protective gear as well.

Unsurprisingly, the video garnered negative publicity, prompting the American Veterinary Medical Association, an animal right’s organisation, to step in. The organisation’s president wrote a scathing letter to Animal Planet, the network that runs Dr. Jeff Young’s reality show.

He criticised the medical protocols that Dr. Jeff and his team had in place while they were conducting serious surgical procedures. The organisation went on to highlight the value maintaining proper sanitary conditions while performing surgeries.

Dr. Jeff Young Rocky Mountain Vet

This is because that an unsanitary operating station means that the animal in question is more prone to contracting infections post-surgery.

They argued that the cost of maintaining a sanitary workstation would not significantly altar the overall cost or time.

Aside from the AVMA, several fans also made their voices hard, criticising Dr. Young, and the producers of the show.

Sanitation is an issue at his animal shelter

Planned Pethood Plus is an organisation that helps thousands of animals every year. Unfortunately, this means that they handle large volumes of animals and pets at any given time. This means that they are typically squeezed into a tiny area.

What this means is that they are exposed to a variety of diseases that any of the animals housed there could contain. Moreover, an unsanitary living space will also lead to a higher risk of viruses and infections.

He is accused of frequently insulting other vets

Dr. Young is a vet with strong opinions, which, he doesn’t shy away from sharing. His centre, Planned Pethood Plus, was set up to cater for strays, and animals in general at an affordable rate. Every year, they set out to neuter/treat at least 3,000 animals.

Consequently, Dr. Young takes issue with other vets who charge exuberant rates for their services. Jeff has no problem referring to his colleagues as money hungry, which often causes friction with the medical community at large.

Dr. Jeff Young Vet kissing his wife Petra Young

This is because the money they charge for services mostly go into cutting edge medicine and technology. In general, these veterinarians are just trying to improve the overall quality of care, something they wouldn’t be able to do if they didn’t charge for their services.

He regular insults animal lovers

Fans of the show, and just animal lovers in general, are also not safe from Dr. Young’s ire. People tend to show affection for their pets in different ways. Some pet owners will buy their animal a wide range of toys, while others will put them in adorable clothes.

Jeff takes serious issue with the latter. In fact, he likes to ridicule people who dress their people in clothes, or adorable outfits. If that isn’t worrying enough, Dr. Young also has little respect for pet owners who treat their dogs/cats like members of the family. He believes in drawing a distinction between human beings and animals.

He is not a fan of breeders

Breeders take it upon themselves to genetically modify physical and mental traits they don’t like in animals. At times, they even go as far as to come up with entirely new breeds of animals. As such, their work is often questioned, and even criticized. Dr. Young’s criticisms, while valid, tends to be overshadowed by his over-the-top antics. He frequently insults breeders, which tends to dilute any valid point he may have.

Questionable programs on their network

Most people agree that Dr Jeff: Rock Mountain Vet is one paved with good intentions. Dr. Jeff and his team genuinely set out to help animals and improve their overall care and health. This is all showcased on the show, which, does its best to put the animals front and centre.

However, we can’t overlook the fact that the show was made by the same media company that created programs like Hippo Hunters.

Other than that, the same company also released controversial shows such as Fat Girls and Feeders. This is a controversial show that revolves around men who intentionally overfeed their partners so that they can grow larger, sometimes to the point where it comes a serious health risk.

All the good work Dr. Jeff and his team do is overshadowed by the controversies from the other shows from their parent company.

The equipment he uses at the clinic are dated

Most experts agree that Dr. Jeff Young and his team use outdated equipment and tools. This puts the animals they are trying to treat at risk.

Since they do not charge a lot for their services, Dr. Pol and his team do not have access to any of the state-of-the-art equipment you see at modern animal health centres.

Moreover, using archaic tools and methods will also reduce the likelihood of success. Some fans who watch the show agree that Planned Pethood Plus is not only clammy, and cluttered, but also dirty. As we mentioned before, they cater to hundreds of animals at a time.

22 thoughts on “Dr. Jeff Young Vet’s Biggest Controversies and Accusation”

  1. Better to try and help a sick or injured animal without cap /gloves than do nothing. Animals aré tougher than people and not so sensitive to dirt and germs as we are, so sanitized as we humans are

  2. Wow sounds like he’s doing the best with what he has. Helping thousands of animals a year and his competition hates that he does so at a fair price…

  3. I respect Dr. Jeff for his loving care for animals over his love of money. Maybe other TV vets should follow his model and do more for charity. In my opinion, a prime example is the Dr. Pol show. Instead of promoting his son, who tries to mimic a vet with his never ending veterinary opinions, he could use that money to offer free services to the needy. With that being said, Dr. Jeff, keep up the good work and stay the course. I love your show.

  4. Love Dr Jeff and how he has saved and treated in need animals. Just think sometimes he bites off more than he should which causes the animal a lot of pain.

  5. This article is the most slanderous disgusting and untruths of dr. Jeff. Who is a vet who is 100% for saving and treating animals. While so many vets top priority is making money for expensive homes and high end cars! With the overly inflated prices they charge they can afford the fancy office and high tech equipment and still make six figure plus incomes! what’s this article fails to mention is Dr.Jeff’s is for low income clients and never turns anyone away which many other vet’s do!
    And if you watch his show you will see that many of his clients are referrals from clinics with inflated fees!! this man works six days a week and Sunday’s volunteers his time and services for spay and neuter for low income residents pets! it’s time all critics of this man stop looking for something that doesn’t exist!! And he does consider pets members of their families!! There are so many untruths in this article, his clinic is not dirty nor is the OR if so he would’ve been cited by the health department and that has never happened so check your facts before writing an article!! Check out his biography and Enlighten your life with knowledge of this very special human being. As far as the AVMA their opinion doesn’t matter they have no authority whatsoever the only important opinion is the health department !!!

  6. I love Dr Jeff show. I live in Tx and only wish we had vets that truly care about our pets as much as Dr Young. I watch his show for hours on end & no matter what ANYBODY says, he’s a Hero in my opinion. I do believe most vets are all about money & what he might say on his show only infuriates other vets because they can’t take the truth.

  7. Having the latest gadgets does not mean your pet is going to receive better care. It will, however, guarantee an exorbitant fee for everything your pet receives. $10 immunization, you are charged $20 – $30. Higher fees does not insure compassionate care or treatment.

  8. I don’t see any other vets giving people a break on their bills, nor volunteering their time and service to hundreds of animals who’s family can’t afford it!

  9. Dr Jeff Rocks – he & his staff Go the Extra Mile for their neighbors & their pets & people & pets that are brought in next to death – that have been mistreated. He & his staff organizes
    Annual Check-Ups & Surgeries for cats & dogs (spays & neuters) – free of charge to HELP with Pet Populations in his areas, mostly FREE.

  10. He does good work . The place looks clean and they do wear gloves. He gives hope to the hopeless. Stop being jealoous . All of the channels have to go outside the box to stay alive.

  11. I love Dr. Jeff for what he does to help animals as well as their owners. He is amazing and his team but they should put their hair back and wear mask. I love that they do not dollar owners to death and help animals that other Vets just want to put them down or cut a leg or so and so off. I wish I lived closer so I could take my pet to them. I love them and what they do!!! If more Vets were like him and his team it would help a lot of pets and owners!!!

  12. I have been a surgical nurse for 40 + years and I watch Dr Jeff and I disagree with all the negativity towards him. He seems to be one of the best one it comes to really caring about animals , and I agree with his comments about the cost of vet care. And most the vets I have went to haven’t spent one dime on upgraded care. I wish I lived closer because I would certainly go to his clinic and would love to volunteer there.

  13. These are people that think more about making money in their pockets than really caring about animals. They don’t see the whole picture that Dr. Jeff and his crew
    doesn’t turn any animals away for service. They do great work for animals.

  14. You are referring to Dr. Pohl in this last article when it’s Dr. Jeff you were talking about. Which uses out dated equipment? I am guessing Dr. Pohl.

  15. In Dr. Jeff’s defense he has done a lot to offer affordable veterinary care for those who couldn’t otherwise afford it. I don’t dress my dogs in silly costumes either so i can’t fault him for his feelings on the subject. I believe that he has a good heart ❤️.

  16. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. People that complain are looking for something to complain about or are jealous.

  17. I will leave a comment. I take my dog to a Vet who is similar in personality to Dr Jeff. The office is clean, but not fancy. Ive been to ither Vets who charge a fortune for the same services. there’s no excuse for this.
    I wish i lived in Denver. I love Dr Jeff.

  18. I think Dr. Jeff has the right to say anything he wants according to the first amendment. I f other vets don’t agree that is their right also. But don’t accuse him of things . He had the right to run his clinic the way he feels he can give the best service with a fair price.


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