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How to See Followers on Facebook Business Page – Grow Your Fanbase

See Your Followers on Facebook Business Page

Transcription from Video

In this short video I’m going to show you how to see followers on Facebook Business Page and 3 tips to help grow your fanbase.

When you want to see your followers:

  • Click on the left at the bottom of your page
  • Go To Settings
  • Go to People and Pages
  • Click on the dropdown menu and choose an option

Those options are:

  • People who like your Page
  • People who follow your page
  • Pages that like your Page
  • Anyone that you Banned from posting, commenting and sending messages to your page.

Remember you may not see all the name of everyone who likes your page since your visitor can control who can see what they liked.

You’ll only be able to see the names of people who publicly like your Page.

Likes VS Followers

What’s the difference? A like on a Facebook page means your visitor wants to see content from your page and are comfortable having your Page show up as “being Liked” in their “About Section” on their profile.

facebook like

A follow means they will receive updates about your Page in their newsfeed. They can even customize what type of updates they see and where the information is presented within their feed.

And what that means is:

  • People who like a Page will automatically follow it
  • Even if people like a Page, they can still choose to unfollow it which means they’ll stop receiving updates about the Page.
  • People can follow a Page, even if they haven’t liked it.
  • The name or the profile picture of the person who likes your Page may be shown on your Page or in ads about your Page.

Does this all really matter? I would say yes since your followers have a better chance to see your content. However, with the way Facebook pushes out its feed they still will see only about 5% of your posts which makes it hard for your fanbase to have engagement & activity on your page which is the most important factor to Facebook and is Usually for most social platforms.

facebook posts

Now w e have a few options to help grow your business page.

Create a Facebook group

Option 1: Create a Facebook group. By creating a Facebook group we can invite people who have liked or followed our page to our Facebook group we created. By joining the group they will see all the post in the group instead of just a small percentage of posts which is what people who like or follow your Facebook page will see.

If you don’t know to create a Facebook group check out my video where I show you how. You can share your Facebook Business page post to the group as well as creating specific videos, surveys and post for your group.

You will want to provide good content and only promote your products or services about 20% of the time.

Use the Invite Button

Option 2: Use the Invite Button. To do this we go to our posts and click on the people who liked or reacted to your post. Now we can tell whether they are current fans of your page. If not invite them to follow your page. Once they accept your invitation you can also invite them to your Facebook Group.

Facebook Engagement

Option 3: Engagement. Post Daily as Facebook loves new content. The best posts are interactive, sharable content and original videos are one way to achieve that. They can be inspirational stories of you customers, funny behind the scene workplace videos, fun or interesting information within your industry or trending topics.

Remember your video should include captions.

Other types of post are memes, surveys and contests. Use images in your post and make sure they’re emotional to draw your visitor in.

Don’t include links in your post. Facebook doesn’t want you to send the traffic off their platform. You can however comment on your own post and add a link within the comment.

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Also don’t tell your visitors to share or comment When creating your post make sure not to use “engagement bait” as Facebook will demote these posts in the News Feed. Engagement bait is when you ask visitors to engage with the post – for instance like a response, share or comment, tag your friend.

Instead Facebook wants the engagement to happen organically and create a back and forth discussion which they will reward by prioritizing those posts.

And last make sure you’re engaged with the visitors. If they do leave a comment make sure to respond. Facebook then sees that your content is creating conversations.

Although likes help build trust with social validation and shares shows interest in your content comments are what help trigger the Facebook algorithm.

Click to Tweet

Why do you want to grow your Facebook page & group? Because you can promote your product & services organically without paying for ads.

You have a built in audience who likes what your doing.

You’ve established trust, they know your brand and your values which makes it easier to sell your company products and services and grow your business online.

If you need some help setting up your Facebook Business Page then download the Facebook Business Page Tutorial Guide.

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Or watch my video on how to create a Facebook business page.