Super Bowl LVI Is Poised to Be Biggest Bet Game in Football History

Legalization of sports betting across the U.S. is fueling industry’s rapid growth


This year’s Super Bowl drew advertisers willing to pay up to $7 million for a 30-second spot. WSJ advertising editor Suzanne Vranica and reporter Paul Vigna break down what to watch for from both new cryptocurrency brands and old regulars like Budweiser. Photo Illustration: Alexander Hotz/WSJ

This year’s Super Bowl is set to become the biggest legal gambling event in football history. 

A record 31.4 million Americans plan to bet on Super Bowl LVI, a 35% increase from last year’s game, according to the American Gaming Association. Bettors are estimated to wager $7.61 billion on this year’s game, a 78% jump from last year’s.

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